In the Caucasus Mountains, the road access is very limited, so to speak, non-existent. Supplies of food is therefore impossible once you leave the lowland. There is no store (or a very small one in the main village) or a way to spend your money. Consequently, we travel in complete autonomy which implies an important logistics.

  • Our packhorses carry all the equipment, stuff and food, so out of respect for them, limit yourself to what is strictly necessary for a few days.
  • Luggage:

    => Tusheti (Georgia): In Laliskhuri (last step before Tusheti)

    For riders : 2 waterproof bags per person will be given to you and in which your belongings must fit. Filling is about 1m high and 50cm in diameter. The rest of your belongings are left in Laliskuri and collected at the end of the hike.

    For hikers, a single bag fills at its maximum.

    => Azerbaijan: Pack your stuff in backpacks. Like in Georgia 2, you have to repack your only necessary belongings in 2 waterproofs bags. The rest will be left at the hotel in Baku.

    Packhorses and truck logistics.

    => Russia: Pack your stuff in backpacks (precarious conditions)

    Packhorses and 4×4 logistics.

    => Svaneti (Georgia):

    For ski tour : Pack your stuff in a backpack or soft bag. They will be carried by mini bus and cars. (precarious conditions)

  • We camp in deep and wild nature. Most of the camp are close by a water point. In some places we will make a fire (but wood is not always available at such altitude). In case of rain, we take shelter in a large tent provided for this purpose.
  • We hike in some very secluded areas where the natives live with their ancient traditions. The authenticity of this region is rare. To approach and experience it, you have to give up a certain comfort. These treks ask some moral and physical commitments. A mountain experience is recommended and compulsory for Azerbaijan.


4×4 in the mountains. In lowland, a Mercedes mini bus.

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Trek trekking randonnée pédestre randonnée équestre caucase géorgie montagne expédition cheval hike horseback horse trekking adventure aventure travel trip georgia azerbaidjan azerbaijan azerbaischan armenia arménie russie russia kabardino balkarie Touchétie Tusheti Svaneti Svanétie Ski tour ski de randonnée Crosscountry ski snowboard split board free ski mountains expedition nature sauvage wilderness Pferdewanderung Kaukasus Georgien Pferde Reiten Pferdewandern Ausritte Gebirgs Bergen