The Caucasian Mountain range extends over 1200km from the Sea of Azov in Russia to the Apcheron Peninsula in Azerbaijan. The highest summit is the Mount Elbrouz and is located on the Russian slopes. The chain is an extraordinary ethnographic patchwork. Some of the villages are constructed like eagle’s net and are hung to the cliffs where the centuries-old traditions take you in another space time. The dramatic landscapes and the untouched nature offer wild routes and superb panorama. Abkhazia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and the northern Caucasian provinces (Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Kabardino Balkaria …) are different by their history, alliances, climate, languages and resources. However, despite the vague and complex geopolitical situation of the area, they are united by their extraordinary life force, generosity, fiery character and strong traditions and the natives defend their territory with patriotism and love. Having lived and traveled through the Caucasus for more than 15 years from west to east on its southern part (excluding Russia), Audrey takes you on unique expeditions. She is living a part of the year with the Tush and her horses in the Tusheti region. This mountainous area of Georgia is accessible with a car only 4 months a year. It means she is driving her horses up and down once the road is already covered by snow and closed. The expeditions in the mountains part of Azerbaijan, Bakardino Balkaria (or Abkhazia) are organized in partnership with local shepherds who know every corner of their captivating mountains and are delighted to introduce you to their country. She is taking you on unique route that she recognized and built, bring you to the local people and different mountainous ethnic groups she has met like the Tush, Svans, Lezguins, Adyguees, Tats, Talysh with whom she is coworking. They can be hairdresser, shepherd, truck mechanician, horse breeder, farmer. They share with you a piece of their life which make you experience another way of life far away from our European habits. You ride or hike through amazing landscapes in the very wilderness based on the human/ animal pace.

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Trek trekking randonnée pédestre randonnée équestre caucase géorgie montagne expédition cheval hike horseback horse trekking adventure aventure travel trip georgia azerbaidjan azerbaijan azerbaischan armenia arménie russie russia kabardino balkarie Touchétie Tusheti Svaneti Svanétie Ski tour ski de randonnée Crosscountry ski snowboard split board free ski mountains expedition nature sauvage wilderness Pferdewanderung Kaukasus Georgien Pferde Reiten Pferdewandern Ausritte Gebirgs Bergen