18. Flanders horse expo Gand le 24 et 25/02/2024, Gand
Horses in Georgia
17. Le Quais des voyageurs le 30/09/24 à 14H30, Bordeaux, France
Festival de voyageurs, Bordeaux, France.
Conférence et projection photographique
13. Cercle des voyageurs
21/11/2018 at 19H00
Bruxelles, Belgique Rue des Grands Carmes, Bruxelles, Belgique.
Conference and slides about the Great Caucasus, geography, history and way of life.
Liens: https://www.lecercledesvoyageurs.com/mondocultures/agenda
12. Association France-Russia
24/02/2018 at 20h30
Saintes, France Auditorium, 11 rue Fernand Chapsal, Saintes.
Conference and slides
11. Association France-Russia
23/02/2018 at 19h00
Descartes France Espace la chatrie, Descartes
Conference and slides : The Tush and the great caucasus ethnic population
10. Georgian Restaurant “le Colchide”
18/02/2018 at 16h00
Paris, France 97 Rue des Poissonniers, 75018 Paris
Conference, slides and tasting: First part of the event : Introduction to the Great Caucasus and ethnies. Second part, tasting of Georgian cuisine at the Colchide restaurant.
9. French embassy
13/12/2017 à 19h00
Tbilisi, Georgia, Auditorium of the French caucasian, 76b av Chavchavadze, Tbilisi
Conference and slides: The Tush and the highlanders in the Great Caucasus.
8. Cercle des voyageurs
22/11/2017 at 19H30
Brussels, Belgium Rue des Grands Carmes, Brussels, Belgium.
Conference and slides: The South and North Caucasus area. Similarities and discrepancies.
Liens: https://www.lecercledesvoyageurs.com/mondocultures/agenda
7. Meet the guide
London, UK Nov 2012
Conference and sides.
6. Semaine française du Caucase
Tbilisi, Georgia
Round table : How to take the most of a rough environment and turnit into positive aspects to develop tourism? Build a touristic environment around the art of living.
5. Maison de l’Europe
Nantes, France Salle Tony Garnier
Mets and talk : Conference and sides : The Georgian Caucasus area.
4. Meet the guide
Nov 2010
London, UK
Conference and sides about the Great Caucasus
3. Libraire Raconte moi la Terre
31/03/2010 at 19H00
Lyon, France
Conference and sides
Link : Le Grand Caucase
2. Salon du Tourisme, Lyon
France Salle Tony Garnier
Conference and sides: The Georgian soul.
1. Transboreal, Paris
05/02/2019 at 20H30
France Salle FIAP, 30 rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris
Life in the heat of the Caucasus Mountains in Georgia.
Link: Plus d’infos Audrey Bogini Plus d’infos sur la conférence